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HomeAssistant Rest API te...
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Anyone Having Issues wtih...
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ISY-994i Options
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My Z-wave migration to Ho...
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Anyone Having Issues wtih the Native Echo from NishanF |
Posted by: kblagron - 08-27-2024, 03:00 AM - Forum: CQC Community Support for CQC-based automation systems.
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Once I had set up NishanF's native Echo setup, it has worked great until now.
Now it is failing while accepting security context. I will have to dig around the wayback machine to see if I can find some of the setup info NishanF wrote. It may be that AWS has changed something on their side to cause the error. I was using a secure port (non-standard) to send the info back to CQC, but apparently something has changed.
It could also be the CQC machine, but since I have updates turned off, I find it hard to believe something would change there.
ISY-994i Options |
Posted by: kblagron - 08-22-2024, 07:26 AM - Forum: CQC Community Support for CQC-based automation systems.
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I currently have ISY-994i and it works great with CQC. Since it has been pushed out of favor for new products, what is everyone doing? I just had to change out my PLM as it was getting somewhat flaky after the recent power outages here. The new one made everything right. However, I am worried that the new stuff (Eisy & Polisy) won't give us an option to control with CQC. Any thoughts? Mine is working fine now, but I do worry about what happens down the road.
My Z-wave migration to Home Assistant |
Posted by: kfly - 02-03-2024, 05:13 PM - Forum: CQC Community Support for CQC-based automation systems.
- Replies (3)
Just finished moving from CQC/Smartthings to Home assistant with CQC as the front end.
CQC seems to work just fine including as a secondary controller on the Home Assistant Z-wave network.
My zwave setup:
Home Assistant(Yellow):
Zooz 700 Series Z-Wave Plus S2 USB Stick ZST10
Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5, Z-Wave Plus USB
I had to migrate 40+ Z-wave devices including lights, blinds, etc.
So after migration and you will just need to in CQC: - Do an include/exclude for the CQC Zwave stick to join the HA new Zwave network.
- rescan each unit on the zwave driver client interface and also update names with new unit id's
- Obviously leave the device names in CQC the same as you will need to rename each device as the device ID’s will change on the new Z-wave network.
- I couldn’t get my locks to work after migration on CQC so moved them to the new HA CQC rest Polling Driver in CQC(Schlage BE469).
Since you need to correlate the CQC ID to the HA ID(not sure why you cannot see the Zwave ID in HA)
Just run this template once in Home Assistant and print out. Will give you all the device names and ID’s. Then just go in CQC and rename starting at device 2,3,4,5,etc. (see below)
I have noticed a bug/feature in CQC that if the device is already named and there is no longer a device at that ID you cannot rename:- Manual set the device type and then do an approve all.
- Then change name and do a save.
HA template (in developer tools) to list device_id and names:
{% set ns = namespace(devices=[]) %}
{%- for device_id in states | map(attribute='entity_id') | map('device_id') | unique | reject('eq', none) %}
{%- set identifiers = device_attr(device_id, 'identifiers') | list | selectattr('0', 'eq', 'zwave_js') | selectattr('1', 'search', '^([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)$') | list | first | default %}
{%- if identifiers %}
{%- set node = identifiers[-1].split('-')[-1] | int %}
{%- set ns.devices = ns.devices + [(node, device_entities(device_id))] %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- for node, entities in ns.devices | sort(attribute='0') %}
{{ node }}:
{%- for entity in entities %}
- {{ entity }}
{%- endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Very happy my CQC touchscreens work great with HA and any new devices or other HA devices(zigby,etc) can be access via the Rest API Home assistant driver in CQC.
Good luck
HomeAssistant Rest API test Driver |
Posted by: kfly - 01-27-2024, 05:01 PM - Forum: Driver Development
- Replies (2)
Looks like Home Assistant Rest API works pretty good with CQC and should help those of use that need to add a few unsupported devices to CQC.
As everyone knows there is no other HA system out that compares to the configurability of the GUI interface you get from CQC. So why not just let HomeAssistant poll the device and CQC can lookup state/attributes from HA.
Here is a first cut of a test driver.
Driver install prompts:
1. HomeAssistant Long-lived access token (see below)
2. Polling Interval (default is 5 seconds)
3. HomeAssistant Hub IP address example:
4. List of HomeAssistant Entities to be polled (see format below)
HomeAssistant_0.2.zip (Size: 31.44 KB / Downloads: 7)
Note: - It polls the local HomeAssistant Hub.
- It does one small "state" poll for each device at poll time. (so keep it to a small number of devices not supported by CQC)
- Driver creates fields based on HomeAssistant entity names that are specified to poll at driver configuration.
- HA can report locks in strange states(jammed,unkown,etc) in this case the lock will be set to false(unlocked) just like the HA app does.
- CQC has a 8 second HTTPost timer and HA seems to have a very rare 40 second timeout(when unplugging z-wave devices, HA seems to pend all post requests for up to 40 seconds until HA sets that status again). I have only seen it on sending commands to locks. guess HA pends on the lock to finish unlocking/locking,etc. In this case driver will increment the $LostConn field in the driver status screen.
After a few weeks of testing. Seems to work well at 5 seconds poll times.
You need to Generate a Long-lived access token(Personal Access Token)
Home assistant -> "your profile" -> Long-lived access tokens
Devices to Poll:
Format is Entity ID in HomeAssistant (example below)
Home assistant -> Settings -> Devices & services -> Entities
Please feel free to fix, enhance or change driver as needed.
maybe:- enhance Lights to do color light fields
- Add more device types as I only added light, lock, switch, and sensors.(or a more elegant lookup table of some kind)
- Sensor should work for any sensors and binary_sensors as they are just text fields.
Obviously the Rest API Driver is not intended for a bunch of devices/entities/sensors. The "http://{{hass_url}}/api/states/{entity ID}" poll is pretty small and efficient. unlike the smartthings hub where you hand to pull a ton of capabilities and parse out.
One major change from smartthings api is all commands to HomeAssistant are done by calling a Service "http://{{hass_url}}/api/services/light/" instead of just calling the device(smartthings) or EntityID(HomeAssistant) and setting the attributes.
I see no reason someone couldn't write a cool websockets driver so we can migrate all our CQC devices to HomeAssistant and still use CQC as the GUI frontend.
Make sure all the devices you are polling are online in HomeAssistant. Devices in offline/strange states may stop driver from connecting to HA because of the unexpected data returned from HA.